Friday, January 13, 2012

little scamp

I have one class that comes to the library every week.  They're second-graders, super cute, the kids really like me and like coming to the library except for the fact that we NEVER have Diary of a Wimpy Kid books for them to take out.

The kids were lining up to leave with their two books each today when the teacher asked one of the girls to unzip her jacket.  Like 20 books fell out.  I was so impressed, both by the girl for thinking she could get away with this heist and the teacher for immediately noticing.

Never a dull day.

Friday, October 21, 2011

say hello to your friends

It's been quiet here at scuttlebuttering, and I apologize for that.  Life has gotten away from me, what can I tell you.  Today's post isn't groundbreaking, but its hopefully a start of more blogging to come.

Today I was cleaning up the foreign language books in the kid's room when I came upon this French Baby-Sitter's Club book:

Some thoughts:

1.)What, what, what are they wearing?

2.) When did Stonybrook become a slum?

3.) What is the title of this book?  My limited french leads me to think it's Mary Anne and the Sadness?  I don't think that's right.  But it does look pretty depressing judging from this cover.

I so wish there were more.

Monday, August 29, 2011

standard in all hotel rooms...

One of the many fine amenities we are provided with.

"Choose way and flee for your life decidedly."

send rescue

Our flight was canceled today. We've got two more days to spend in Beijing.

I don't think we'll ever get home. If I I've to see any more duck on my dinner table, I'm going to get upset.

Friday, August 12, 2011

happy birthday to me

I sometimes get a bit of a hard time because I take my birthday very seriously.  I like to have a party and get all my favorites to celebrate.  And the fact that they're celebrating me isn't such a bad thing :)

However, one of my co-workers has taken celebrating one's birthday to a new level.  She's been talking about her birthday for about a week now, and apparently yesterday sent out an email to a few of our co-workers (I was not on the email - this was a smart move on her part) with a list of things she would like from them for her birthday.  Number 2 on list?  Cash.  I would give everything to see this email as I bet I would laugh until I hurt.

Today, she brought in a few things to celebrate her birthday, including flowers... well as cake and a card for everyone to sign.  For herself.

These are excellent ways to get people to care about your birthday whether they want to or not, and believe me I am taking notes for next year.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Newsy News

Hey Gang!

Nothing terribly exciting has been going on in my life lately, so the blog has been quiet.  I did recently have another run in with super long fingernail man and my boss wore his jumpsuit again, but I feel like these are going to be regular occurrences.

I guess the only change is that I'm going to be making a small job change.  I am soon going to be the childrens librarian at my branch, not the young adult librarian!  I am hopeful that this change will be less stressful and just more fun.  I can do more crafts and things that I like and will hopefully get more interest in those things!

My mother thinks it's important that I wear costumes as a children's librarian because she says that's what my children's librarian did when I was growing up.  I don't quite remember that, but I'm always happy to wear a costume!  My mother has already supplied this beauty:

So I think I'm off to a good start.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I can't post a good visual for this one because I might throw up.

I was just helping a patron with super super super super gross gross gross long fingernails on the computer and one of his talons touched my hand.

I almost wept.