Saturday, April 30, 2011

weirdness for a saturday

I was just signing a dude up to use the computer when he saw my cellphone on my desk.  He pointed at it and asked if I could do text messages with my phone.  When I said yes, he asked if he could be my text friend.

I went with no thanks.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Yesterday, I was here. Today, I'm at work with the nutters. It's not going to be an easy afternoon.  On the plus (?) side, I believe my library husband will be coming in for a meeting this afternoon, so that's sure to be an interesting encounter!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011


You know it's been a good day of vacation when this is how it's ending. Can't wait for more magic tomorrow!

beet's beat

We haven't even been here a whole day and my boy's already tuckered. We've got to build up his Disney stamina.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the color of cheese

I had two questions for my loyal readers while I was driving into work this morning, but now I can only remember one.  I hope for your sake I remember the other.

I've been a big cheese eater my whole life, and my lunch of choice as a kid used to be American cheese sandwiches.  Sometimes on the weekend, my dad would fancy it up and grill them.  I know, we really broke new ground there.  When I was very young, I remember the slices of American cheese were always yellow and then at some point my dad started coming home with white American cheese.  He always ordered the cheese from the same deli, and I remember being uncertain by this new color of the cheese and I didn't eat it for awhile. 

However, nowadays, all you can get is white American cheese.  Sure, they sell yellow Kraft singles, but I always thought those were highly weird and I'm not convinced that's real cheese.  My question is, why did the cheese change color?  Was it an anti-chemical thing?  Can you in fact still buy 1/2 pound of yellow American cheese?  Maybe I just haven't been paying attention at the deli counter.

Monday, April 11, 2011

full moon?

I have been at work for less than an hour this morning and have already had 3 fun encounters:

1.) Older gentleman, who I know is in his 50's because he told me, came to ask me if we have true crime books because he loves to read about real murders and has since he was 14.  I refrained from asking if he was getting ideas from them.  He goes on to show me the book he is reading and shows me the pictures in it of the murder victims and their families as well as the accused.  He was carrying a small cooler with him - I think there may have been a head in it.

2.) Another gentleman needs help figuring out how to use the webcam on his new laptop so he can take pictures of albums he wants to sell on ebay.  I figure out the process and he proceeds to take a picture of me in front of the computer.  I hurriedly figure out how to delete that picture.  I then spend quite a long time sitting next to him while he tries to remember his log-on information for ebay.  He does not remember, but rather than register again, he decides that learning how to take the pictures was enough for one day.

3.) A third gentleman is waiting to talk to me to reserve a room for a meeting he will be having here at the end of the month.  I know that I have talked to him before but could not tell you what about.  While we are working out the details of his meeting, he says that he refers to me as his 'library wife.'  Awkward laugh.  After we've made the arrangements he says that he's got to thank me for all my work and he'll take me out to dinner.  He says he knows I'm married, he's just being a nice guy.  Or he asks, do I like sports like basketball or baseball?  He gets tickets and we could go sometime.  Or sometimes he likes to organize trips to New Hampshire to go horseback riding or rafting, and he pays for it all.  "It would be cool, I know you're married."  I'm supposed to look at my schedule and get back to him with my availability when he gets back from some work trips next week.  I'll be getting right on that.  Or using my panic button for the first time the next time I see him.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

crochet skillz

Last week my dear friend Cap came over and taught me how to make this bracelet.

Basically, you crochet with wire and weave beads along the strands as you go.  Then, when you have five or six strands, you braid them together, twist the ends and tie on a clasp!  It was pretty quick work and I made the whole thing in less than an hour.  It was tricky to figure out where to place the beads on each strand so that they weren't all clumped together, and that's something I will have to work on more for the next time.  And working with the wire hurt my fingers after a while, but at least it was quick work!

And speaking of my Capitano, she got engaged this weekend!  Beet and I are so thrilled for her and her fiance and I can't wait for many afternoon's of wedding related crafts!  But these are two of my absolute favorite people and I am so happy they are so happy.  We did a lot of celebrating this weekend with brunch, champagne toasts, candlepin bowling and Justin Bieber balloons.  I'm excited for many more fun times with them.

Good weekend!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

not an idiot

So, the teens here most of the time think I'm pretty dumb and that I can't see through glass or if they squat down under a table I can't see what they're doing.  Mostly this involves eating or drinking, which they're not supposed to do in the library.  But yesterday morning when the library was pretty empty, a girl asked if she could use my desk phone.  I told her that phone calls are supposed to be made at the circulation desk and that someone up front could help her out.  She wasn't too happy with that answer, but she wandered over in the direction. 

About 20 minutes later she came back and asked if she could use my phone now.  I asked her if she had used the one at the front desk and she said that they wouldn't let her.  When I asked why, she just shrugged and acted like she had no idea.  So I asked her who she had to call, and a half second after she said "my friends" I continued my sentence that you can only use the phones to call parents.  She immediately said "yeah, I'm calling my parents."  When I said that I heard her just say that she was going to call her friends, she denied that she ever said that.  She continued denying until I told her that our standard practice was for the librarian to speak to the parents and ask that they come pick the teen up or whatever else the request was going to be.  She decided she didn't need to make that phone call then, but did ask to use my cell phone.  Surprisingly, that didn't fly either.

Some days, I get a lot of laughs.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

good things

So, there are definitely a lot of great things that this library provides to the community, and it is really amazing to see how much the area uses this space.  But it really reinforces how important places like this are when I see people constantly coming in to use the computers to write their resumes or apply for jobs or take out books on studying for the GED.  Computer's don't seem to be ubiquitous in this area, which is something I know I just take for granted in my own life.  I can count the amount of laptops I've seen in this library on one hand even though we do offer free wi-fi.  The teen's are maybe not using the computer's here for things as important as job hunting and exam studying, but it's good for me to remember that they may not have a computer at home to check facebook or play silly games like I do.

To sum up, this place is still hard and challenging, but it's good for me to keep things in perspective.