Thursday, June 23, 2011

great start

Thanks for all the congrats about the new addition to our family!  I can't wait to meet my niece or nephew.

I had some excitement at work this morning not too long after I got here, which I hope doesn't portend bad things for the rest of the day.  There's been a dude coming in and causing some trouble here for the past two weeks or so.  He seems a bit off, and everyone on the staff has had some interactions with him.  Yesterday the janitor told me that this guy comes to the library at about 8am (when we open at 10) and continuously asks if the library is open and isn't it 10 already.  So that's how he starts the day.

At the library, we have one computer with unfiltered access to the internet, and then 11 computers with filtered access in the adult room.  The filtered computers really don't filter out all the much - I have certainly never been blocked from any website.  Patrons are allowed to use the computer for an hour, and if they are all in use, they can sign up for a reservation and wait until one is free.  For the filtered computers, the wait is usually only 5-10 minutes.  But for the unfiltered computer, it can be an hour or two, depending on how many people sign up to use it.  This dude only wants to use the unfiltered computer, and even though he comes right when the library opens, he sometimes ends up sitting and waiting for HOURS until he can get on it.  And I found out why at our staff meeting yesterday - he likes to watch porn at the library.

Super awesome.

He has also spent some time hanging out in the children's room as well as at the children's storytime - both of which or huge no's if you don't have a child in the room or at the program.

And this morning, when of course I was in charge, he sat down at a table across from a young woman on her laptop and stared at her.  Just stared, unblinking.  For a long time.  She, of course, got creeped out and moved to a different part of the library.  He continued to sit for awhile, and then of course, followed her.  Not good.  I had been observing, waiting until he crossed the line and I could ask him to leave and this was definitely it.  I told him he had to leave for the day because there had been complaints about his behavior (which was true, the young lady told the library assistant that she was really freaked out) and he denied doing anything and said they were lies.  I continued to say he had to leave or I would have to call the police, and at first he said that I should call them because they would send me to jail for lying.  OK.  I was still willing to call them and he finally got up and moseyed over to the door.

So hopefully that will be all the excitement we have here today and really hopefully this guy will stop coming here because he makes us nervous.

Fun Thursday!

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